Resultados: 6

Fear and Coping with Death in Intensive Care Nurses: a Structural Model Predictor of Compassion Fatigue

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
Objective. To determine the effect of fear and coping with death on compassion fatigue in nurses working in the intensive care unit. Methods. Correlational-predictive design, applied in 245 nurses working in the intensive care unit through intentional sampling. The study applie...

Effect of Fear, Concern, and of Risk Factors for Complicated Covid-19 on Self-Care in People in Pre-elderly and Elderly Stages

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (3), 2022
Objective. The work sought to determine the effect of the risk factors, fear, and concern on self-care regarding COVID-19 in people in pre-elderly and elderly stages. Methods. Correlational-predictive study, gathered through convenience sampling. The study applied the scale of fe...

Loneliness, Anxiety, Depression, and Adoption of the Role of Caregiver of Older Adults with Chronic Diseases during COVID-19

Aquichan; 22 (3), 2022
Objective: To determine the effect of loneliness, anxiety, and depression on adopting the role of caregiver of older adults with chronic conditions in a sample of Mexican caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and method: Predictive and correlational design. The study was conducted with 157 c...

Fear, Stress, and Knowledge regarding COVID-19 in Nursing Students and Recent Graduates in Mexico

Invest. educ. enferm; 39 (1), 2021
Objective. The study sought to correlate fear, stress, knowledge regarding COVID-19 in Nursing students and recent graduates in Mexico. Methods. Correlational design, sample comprising 912 nursing students and graduates during the last 18 months from public and private universities of Mexico. To measure ...

Barreras culturales en los adultos mayores con diabetes de comunidades mayas

Resumen La población adulta mayor maya es considerada vulnerable, debido a barreras que influyen en su calidad de vida, tales como su situación económica y las malas relaciones culturales con el profesional de salud, problemática sobre la que versa este ensayo. La deficiencia de políticas públicas ...

Prevalencia y conocimientos de estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad pública sobre el cuidado a la persona que consume drogas lícitas

ResumenIntroducción. El abuso de drogas lícitas se constituye en uno de los principales problemas de salud pública a nivel internacional y nacional. En México, la Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2011 reporta que el 53,9% de adultos consume alcohol y el 19,9%, tabaco; en Yucatán, la proporción de ad...